LSHC Mens' First v Ipswich 1sts

Played Home on 18th January 2014
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18th Jan 2014 Mens' 2nd - Away vs Ely City 2nds


Charles Hardy profile


Sutton started this Prem B fixture like they did last weekend; at a very leisurely pace. Sloppy play gifted Ipswich 3 goals in the first 15 minutes which gave Sutton a mountain to climb. Sutton did come to life and found some of their flowing hockey, but the final ball was lacking, and struggled to beat a solid Ipswich defence. Sisson decided to take it on himself and unleashed a trademark reverse stick thunderbolt into the top corner to give Sutton hope before half-time. 3-1 HT. 

The second half was a different affair as Sutton were much more fluid and dominant, putting Ipswich under all kinds of pressure and creating much more, but the Ipswich keeper was in outstanding form. Sutton deservedly got their second as Fyson calmly slotted the ball home after good work from Sisson. Sutton stupidly conceded straight after as Ipswich worked the ball well to add their 4th. This spurred Sutton on even more and most of the hockey was played in the Ipswich half. Sutton had three deflections excellently saved by the keeper, two from Hardy and then another from Fyson. As Sutton pushed and pushed Ipswich got a break away goal to make it 5.

Sutton must start next week firing on all cylinders as they can't afford to be too far behind so early on at this level. 
Report by Jimmy Harrison