LSHC Mens' Fourth v Alford & District 2nds

Played Home on 2nd February 2013
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2nd Feb 2013 Mens' 2nd - Away vs City of Peterborough 7ths


Russ Brockwell profile


Sutton fourths finally got back to league action and it was soon clear that the bad weather layoff had done them no favours at all. They attacked with purpose early on with James Baker looking dangerous, and managed to find the net when Russ Brockwell's speculative ball into the D was deflected off the keepers pads for an own goal. Sutton maintained that lead until the interval, but Alford mounted sustained pressure in the second half and claimed an equaliser despite the best efforts of Simon Wakeham , Jeremy Smith and David Shire in defence and another solid performance from Josh Thody in goal.

Sutton's midfield tired as the game wore on with the bitter wind and niggling injuries taking their toll. The pack of willing forwards, including Kieran Forrest, Stephen Milnes, Andy Clarke and John Sullivan continued to make good runs, but became more and more isolated and Alford snatched a winner from one of their numerous short corners to claim all three points. A late yellow card added an unwelcome postscript to a disappointing result.

Report by Ian White