LSHC Mens' Fourth v City of Peterborough 9ths

Played Home on 14th December 2013
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14th Dec 2013 Mens' 2nd - Away vs St Neots 1sts


Steven Milnes profile


James Baker's two goals effectively settled this Div 6NW(N) fixture after the early deadlock was broken by an own goal in the home side's favour. Baker's coolness in front of goal is improving steadily, he must be getting some tips from someone in his family! An odd breakdown in communication led to a Peterborough forward having nothing twenty yards of open space between him and Joss Calderbank in goal and he made no mistake, and another soft goal nearly undid all the good work of the defence in which Stephen Milnes had an excellent game and Dan Oldfield was quietly solid. Ed White got through the work of two players in centre midfield and Kieran Forrest also enjoyed his best outing for some time, linking well with newcomer Ryan Mountenay. With better finishing, Sutton could have scored more but they will be grateful to slip into 2014 with another three points in the bank and are looking forward to applying the experience gained in the first half of the season.


Report by Ian White.